Mavis Anna was born 18 November 1923 in Cobdogla. She died 22 January 2007 in “Bucklands” Marion Rd North Plympton in South Australia
Mavis was loved by all her knew her, family, friends and colleagues included. Her life given to the church, she achieved a Bachelor of Arts from Adelaide University in 1954, and continued teaching as a member of the Sisters of Mercy, at St Aloysius College in Adelaide, and as the founding Principal of Mercedes College, also in Adelaide near Springfield. Mavis spent time in New Guinea teaching. The link below takes you to the eulogy which was delivered by Sister Barbara Broad at Mavis’ funeral.
1982 Sr Mavis in maui in new guinea - She wrote on the back of the card “Taken in a village at Mai last year. The 2 bigger lads were in my class & took me to their village. The lady in blue is another of our sisters now teaching back in Adelaide. They are warm & friendly people and i love them. pray for us all, love mavis” Mavis sent this to len and dorrie mcbride, her uncle and aunt
Sr Mary Phillip, Mavis McBride 1970
mavis was buried in west tce cemetery, adelaide